The pill in the photo is called Clomid (you can read about it here). As my husband and I have been trying for over a year to have children, with no luck, my doctor has perscribed me these pills which should -hopefully- help me ovulate. There's a slightly increased risk of multiples when taking clomid, which is actually a good thing for us, as we were kind of hoping for twins. I'm just hoping it works, period.
My next major post will be a supplement to a youtube video that I made some time ago. It will be about studying Japanese (focusing on the area of self study and using manga as a study aide). I'll feature a lot of the texts and tools I personally use, as well as offer techniques for people at different stages in their learning.
March 5th, 2011 - 20:56
best of luck to you and your husband!
March 6th, 2011 - 15:31
Sending baby vibes as always. ;)
March 7th, 2011 - 19:40
I’m sprinkling baby dust on you! :) I hope you get your babies soon.
March 8th, 2011 - 23:09
Best of luck! If you do have twins, that’d be pretty cool, huh? I’m actually a triplet myself . It’s allows for a pretty interesting a unique family lifestyle, in my opinion :)
March 8th, 2011 - 23:43
Hehe, thanks. ^^ I just realized that I forgot to mention that my husband himself is actually a twin. I think that is probably the major reason why he’d love it if we did.